The Art of Being Fearless

What is the "Art of Being Fearless" program anyways?
As you may know, I have dealt with women who have come in "broken", and I help to revitalize them. I have a goal of reaching as many who need this service as possible. So, I really want to help those who "need" it. But I want to cover as many stories as I can, one per month, until the end of the year. These individuals must allow for photos to be shown, a personal interview with me, and allow me to tell their story.
So what classifies them for the "Art of Being Fearless"?
To be eligible for this series, you must have a story of hardship to tell. These topics are difficult to tell to the public, but many could really use these stories to cope with their own struggles. These hardships could be any of the following: domestic violence, suicidal tendencies, cancer, single mother struggling, etc. I hope to cover a different hardship each month until the end of the year.
What must I do?
To qualify, you must fill out the form on this page, and then I will go through them and I may or may not ask to have a phone call or meeting in Saginaw. I am only looking for around 6 individuals, so if you are not chosen does not mean, you are any less important. I know I will have a lot applying and I must choose amongst them. I will be choosing the most compelling stories.
From there, we schedule a date and time to have you go through an entire session and then during the photo reveal, we conduct an interview on camera.
What do I get?
If you are chosen, you must agree to pay at least the session fee of $350. And you will receive the entire edited collection of digitals. If you decide you want any products like albums, wall art, etc, those are available for an extra cost.